Plots and tools ========================================================== 2D Analyzer offers various possibilities to visualize measurement data. .. All plots can be prepared and used later to compare data of multiple measurements loaded in Analyzer. .. important:: All plots and tool windows positions are saved in :ref:`Templates `! .. important:: As inputs for plots and tool, also :doc:`Special Channels ` can be selected! When creating new plots at higher :doc:`license levels ` with activated User Management !!!Link!!! Plots can be created either only for current User or for all Users of Race installation. .. admonition:: Addtional manual For all plots :doc:`Phases ` can be used to organise/filter the currently displayed values of a plot, for e.g., removing in- and out-lap from Min-/Max-table. A preview of current phase selection is shown at bottom bar of plots. Multi-Circuit (Google Maps overview) ---------------------------------------------------------- GPS/GNSS positions from measurement are drawn on Google Maps background image. .. important:: Only for laps currently shown in :ref:`moving window ` lines are drawn in Multi-Circuit. Multi-Circuit can be opened via Analyzer-tab *Functions*, by pressing ** or using :ref:`Header window icon `. .. .. attention:: For loading Google Maps background image valid internet connection is required! .. attention:: For correct drawing of driving line, the :doc:`Special Channels ` *GPS_Latitude*, *GPS_Longitude* and *GPSValid* must be set correctly! .. .. figure:: /Images/Plots/MultiCircuit.png :scale: 40% :align: center Multi-Circuit Sub-menu ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The sub-menu of Multi-Circuit window can be opened by right-clicking on Multi-Circuit window. .. important:: Background images must only be loaded once from internet because then the background image is saved on computer. .. figure:: /Images/Plots/MultiCircuit_Submenu.png :scale: 50% :align: center Multi-Circuit sub-menu - **Settings**: - **Line**: Changing line width - **Color**: - Setting any channel of measurement as color channel for drawing line .. important:: Via *Color Scale* different options can be chosen for coloring the line. - Using Measurement color from Analyzer .. important:: This option is important when multiple measurements are loaded in Analyzer! - **AutoCenter**: When active, center of Multi-Circuit is set by measurement cross in moving window - **GPS map image loading from internet**: Set mode of (re)loading background images from internet - **GPS map image status and Copyrights**: See image status (directory and name of image) as well as Copyright information - **Center**: Center Multi-Circuit position - **Adjust GPS drift**: When active, via *key* buttons the background image position can be adjusted (*0* resets adjustments) - **Make GPS drift permanent**: Make GPS drift adjustments permanent Circuit ---------------------------------------------------------- .. admonition:: Addtional manual For more information about Circuit click :ref:`here `! .. _link_Analyzer_Plots_MinMax: Min-/Max-table ---------------------------------------------------------- A Min-/Max-table serves as a quick overview of minimum, maximum and average values of some channels of a measurement lap by lap. .. important:: For every lap a new line is created! Min-/Max-table can be opened via Analyzer-tab *Functions*, by pressing *+* or using :ref:`Header window icon `. .. figure:: /Images/Plots/MM.png :scale: 40% :align: center Min-/Max-table Minimum and maximum values of respective **columns** are highlighted in green and red. .. The percentage distribution of the values per column is shown in blue. .. .. attention:: AVG-value on bottom of Min-/Max-table shows the average value **only of the Min-/Max-table values per column**! Create Min-/Max-table ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. figure:: /Images/Plots/MM_Create.png :scale: 40% :align: center Create new Min-/Max-table Edit Min-/Max-table ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When creating a new Min-/Max-table or by clicking on button *Channels* channels can be added for displaying in Min-/Max-table. .. important:: Also :doc:`Special Channels ` can be selected as input channels to ensure generalization. .. figure:: /Images/Plots/MM_Channels.png :scale: 40% :align: center Select channels - **Min**: Minimum value of selected channel of respective lap - **Max**: Maximum value of selected channel of respective lap - **Max (abs)**: Absolute maximum value of selected channel of respective lap - **AVG**: Average value of selected channel of respective lap - **Delta**: Difference between maximum and minimum value of selected channel of respective lap - **Filter**: Applying average filter to selected channel - **LapEnd**: Last value of selected channel of respective lap Export Min-/Max-table ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Via right-clicking and sub-menu *Export* the Export settings of currently opened MinMax table can be opened. .. figure:: /Images/Plots/Export.png :scale: 40% :align: center MinMax table export settings - **Type**: Chosing file type for export file - **File name**: Defining file name of exported file (placeholders can be used) - **Folder**: Defining folder where exported file is saved (placeholders can be used) - **Seperators**: Selecting list and decimal seperators for exported file - **Export to file**: - **Append file if existing**: When checked, at export in directory to export a file *with same name specified in export settings* is found, this file is used also used for current export .. attention:: When **not** checked and at export *with same name specified in export settings* is found, the file is overwritten with exported file! - **Insert lines (at bottom)**: When checked, at file with same name, the new lines are inserted directly after last data line. .. attention:: Only important when after data lines a bottom line with text is used! - **Fill all lines for PowerBI**: When checked, all lines (event and measurement names fields) are also filled. - **Save Export Settings**: Save export settings - **Export**: Export MinMax table X-Y-Plots ---------------------------------------------------------- Function to display a 2-dimensional graphical presentation of the relationship of 2 channels. A XY Plot can graphically show the relationship of one selectable channel (X) to **several** other (Y) selectable channels. .. important:: A 3rd dimension is achieved by selecting a color channel. Min-/Max-table can be opened via Analyzer-tab *Functions*, by pressing *+* or using :ref:`Header window icon `. .. .. figure:: /Images/Plots/XY.png :scale: 60% :align: center XY-Plot with RPM over rear wheel speed with 3rd dimension as color channel only of fastest lap. .. important:: Also :doc:`Special Channels ` can be selected as input channels to ensure generalization. Create XY-Plots ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. figure:: /Images/Plots/MM_Create.png :scale: 40% :align: center Create new XY-Plot Edit XY-Plots ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. figure:: /Images/Plots/XY_Settings.png :scale: 40% :align: center XY-Plot setting menu - **X channel**: Selecting channel for X axis - **Y channel**: Selecting channel(s) for Y axis .. attention:: Up to four channels can be selected for Y channels. With active checkbox **Joined in 1 plot** all Y-Axis displayed in one XY-Plot. - **Measurement files** - **Activate measurement**: Even if multiple measurements are loaded in Analyzer, this XY-Plot only shows data from currently active measurement - **All visible measurements**: When multiple measurements are loaded, XY-Plot data is differentiated by measurement colors - **Colors** - **Uni**: XY-Plot data is shown in measurement color - **Color Channel**: Setting any channel of measurement as color channel for drawing line .. important:: Via *Color Scale* different options can be chosen for coloring the lines. - **By laps**: For every lap of currently loaded measurement another color is used for drawing XY-Plot data - **By measurement file**: XY-Plot data is shown in measurement color .. important:: Important when using option **All visible measurements** Draw type ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. figure:: /Images/Plots/DrawType.png :scale: 40% :align: center Different available draw types of XY-Plot Topbar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. figure:: /Images/Plots/XY_Toolbar.png :scale: 40% :align: center XY-Plot top bar - **Up**, **Down**, **Left**, **Right**: Adjusting positions of XY Plot data - **Undo**: Undo last change - **Catch**: Set suitable limits for currently shown data - **Zoom in** & **Zoom out**: Zoom in and out XY-Plot data - **Select**: Select area of XY-Plot to be displayed - **Edit limits**: Set limits manually - **Fixed Ratio**: Fix ratio of axes - **Dynamic autoposition**: Automatic catching when current selection and thus XY-Plot data changes Histogram ---------------------------------------------------------- A histogram is a graphical representation of the distribution of numerical data of a channel. .. important:: It is an estimate of the probability distribution of a channel data considered as a continuous variable. To construct a histogram, the first step performed by 2D software is to “bin” the range of values of the selected channel - that is, divide the entire range of values into a series of intervals - and then count how many values fall into each interval. The bins are usually specified as consecutive, non-overlapping intervals of a variable. The result is a frequency of occurrence (~ a probability) for the instantaneous value of a channel to fall in one specific bin. Min-/Max-table can be opened via Analyzer-tab *Functions*, by pressing *+*. .. important:: Histogram are very suitable when it comes to suspension data analysation. .. figure:: /Images/Plots/Histogram.png :scale: 40% :align: center Comparison of rear suspension sensor data from mountainbike with two measurements Histogram Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. important:: Histogram settings can be opened via right-clicking on histogram window. .. figure:: /Images/Plots/Histogram_Setting.png :scale: 40% :align: center Histogram settings - **Channel**: Choose histogram input channel - **Horizontal scaling**: Choose channel value range and number of subdivision (Steps) for creating the bins - **Vertical scaling**: Select auto limits or choose manual scaling - **Measurement files**: Select the files to display - **Split channel**: Create multiple histograms using the split channel - **Split phase conditions**: Devide diagrams or series by single phase conditions - **Split diagram by**: Select options how histogram should be displayed - **None (1 diagram)**: Use only one histogram window for displaying data - **Files**: If multiple measurements are loaded in Analyzer, for every measurement an own histogram window is shown - **Split channels**: Activate if obove described split channels should be used to create multiple histogram windows depending on split channel setting - **Phase conditions**: Reducing range of data (e.g., displaying histogram from rear suspension sensor with data from whole phase (e.g., fastest lap) but only when speed is between 100 and 150 km/h) - **Laps**: Split diagram by laps - **Split data by**: - **None (1 diagram)**: Use only one histogram window for displaying data - **Files**: When multiple measurements are loaded in Analyzer, overlay all histograms - **Split channels**: Activate if obove described split channels should be used to split data from histogram windows depending on split channel setting - **Phase conditions**: Reducing range of data (e.g., displaying histogram from rear suspension sensor with data from whole phase (e.g., fastest lap) but only when speed is between 100 and 150 km/h) - **Laps**: Split data by laps Graphic Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ With *Graphic settings* various graphical elements of histogram window (background image, bars, lines, ...) can be changed. .. important:: Graphic settings can be opened via right-clicking on histogram window. .. figure:: /Images/Plots/GraphicSettings.png :scale: 60% :align: center Graphic settings View type ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ With *View type* type of Y-axis can be changed between Percent, Percent total, Values, Time and Meter .. figure:: /Images/Plots/Yaxis.png :scale: 60% :align: center View type settings Examples ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. figure:: /Images/Plots/Histogram_split.png :scale: 40% :align: center Split Histogram data of rear suspension sensor data from mountainbike by speed channel .. figure:: /Images/Plots/Histogram_comp.png :scale: 40% :align: center Overlay Histogram of rear suspension sensor data from mountainbike of two measurements .. figure:: /Images/Plots/RPM.png :scale: 60% :align: center Throttle actuation only in fastest lap with RPM as data split channel FFT ---------------------------------------------------------- A fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm computes the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a sequence, or its inverse. .. Fourier analysis converts a signal from its original domain (often time or space) to a representation in the frequency domain and vice versa. Track mode ---------------------------------------------------------- Graphical presentation of track with channel values at defined positions. Track mode can be opened via Analyzer-tab *Functions*, by pressing **. .. important:: A 3rd dimension is achieved by using a so-called color channel. .. figure:: /Images/Plots/TrackMode.png :scale: 60% :align: center Track Mode example Status Bits ---------------------------------------------------------- With *Status bits* tool bits of channels can be linked to an text information. .. important:: Status bit always shows values of current cursor position in moving window. *Status Bits* can be opened via Analyzer-tab *Functions*. .. figure:: /Images/Plots/StatusBits_Detail.png :scale: 60% :align: center Status Bits window **Example**: .. figure:: /Images/Plots/StatusBits.png :scale: 25% :align: center Status Bits at current cursor position in moving window .. figure:: /Images/Plots/StatusBits_Set.png :scale: 60% :align: center Status Bits setting DIAG Bit Maps ---------------------------------------------------------- With *DIAG Bit Map* tool bits of channels are displayed in coloured boxes on current cursor position (first line) and over whole measurement (second line). .. important:: First line shows bit value on current cursor position in moving window. Second line shows bit value over whole measurement, to see if bit is TRUE somewhere in measurement. *DIAG Bit Map* can be opened via Analyzer-tab *Functions*. .. figure:: /Images/Plots/DiagBits_Detail.png :scale: 60% :align: center DiIAG Bits window **Example**: Status Bits & DIAG Bit Map .. figure:: /Images/Plots/DiagBits_StatusBits.png :scale: 25% :align: center DIAG Bit Map and Stauts Bits at current cursor position in moving window .. figure:: /Images/Plots/DiagBits_Set.png :scale: 60% :align: center DIAG Bit Map setting .. important:: Different colors for DIAG Bit Map fields can be chosen. Dynamic Test System (DTS) - DTS Tool ---------------------------------------------------------- The Dynamic Test System software tool (DTS Tool) allows for a fast, table-oriented overview of the already recorded measurements in regard to dynamic vehicle testings (Brake Tests, Acceleration Tests, ELK Test, Slalom) on computer. .. important:: Analyzer DTS Tool can be used execute dynamic vehicle data evaluations with every set of measurement data (Automotive testings, RaceTrack data for vehicle or driver analysations. Output of Analyzer DTS Tool is a report window with all important information to set tests (Brake time, brake distance, max. accereleration, MFDD, ...) which can be exported als Excel file. .. admonition:: Addtional manual For more information about *DTS Tool* please see .. admonition:: Addtional manual Beside analyzing already recorded measurements (DTS **Tool**) 2D also provides a DTS **System** to record and live display dynamic testing results on a 2D display to the driver! For more information about *DTS System* please see