First steps ********************************************************** Introduction ========================================================== The program *WinARace* is the front-end tool of 2D. From here you can start other software modules, like *WinIt* (communication tool), *SpecView* (data administration) or the analysis tool *2D Analyzer*. It organizes the folder structure of your data with events and master names. *WinARace* is the 2D main software for navigation to all other sub-software packages like WinIt or Analyzer: - Define and change the current *Event* - Select the start measurement for the analysis tool - Start the *2D Analyzer* - Select the master name - Start a download - Start *WinIt* - Set the software language - Select the user level - Set some important communication settings (same window as in *WinIt* – main menu item “Settings” ⇒ “Options”) - Activate/deactivate the protocol function - Configure the 2D Toolbar - Get version information of the various software modules Menu tabs ========================================================== *WinARace* starting window can be splitted up into five sections (refer to the next figure) The main menu consists of four submenus: - Settings - Modules - View - Help Settings menu ---------------------------------------------------------- .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/settingsmenu.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Settings menu - **Language:** here you can select the language you want to use in your software; German, English, French, Italian, Spanish or Japanese - **Folders – Protocol:** opens a window where you can check the folder structure and the protocol function of the software - **System:** opens a window where you can change some system- settings, please refer to section `3.1 <#system-settings>`__ !!!Link!!! - **Exit:** closes the program Modules ---------------------------------------------------------- .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/modulesmenu.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Modules menu - **2D USB Stick Handler:** starts the program *2D Stick Handler* to manually download recorded data from a connected 2D/USB stick - **Prepare USB stick for usage in a 2D USB Stick Logger:** prepares a USB stick; such a prepared USB stick is called a 2D stick. - **Logger communication:** starts the program *WinIt* - **Analysis:** starts the program *2D Analyzer* - **Spec Sheet:** starts the program *SpecView* and shows the selected measurement´s data - **AutoCalc-Configurator:** starts the program (Click :ref:`here ` for more information about AutoCalc-Configurator) View ---------------------------------------------------------- .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/viewmenu.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Settings menu - **Toolbar:** here you can decide whether you want to see the toolbar or not and you can modify your toolbar; for further information refer to section :ref:`here ` for further information. - **Show statusbar:** shows or hides status bar - **Show main menus:** shows or hides the main menu - **Show window frame:** shows or hides the window frame Help ---------------------------------------------------------- .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/help.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Help menu - **Help:** starts the program´s online help - **Modules Help:** here you can select help for different software modules - **View tutorial videos on 2D homepage:** opens the 2D homepage where you can see the tutorial videos - **Licence level overview:** opens the 2D homepage where you can see an overview of the license levels and their functions - **Shortcut keys:** opens a table with shortcut keys and their meaning - **Licence:** opens the software license dialogue; there you can enter the license key - **Search for software updates:** searches online for software updates - **Automatic search for software updates:** settings for automatic software updates - **Update by file:** In some companies connection to the internet for update is not possible due to security settings. In this case it is possible to get an update file from 2D and import it with this function. - **Remotedesktop for 2D:** Support tool to give the 2D support the possibility to remotely connect to your computer – you will be requested by the 2D support to start it. - **Send support information over FTP:** sends an information file to 2D with license and firmware update notifications - **Show version information:** opens a window with information about your software version and license .. _link_WinARace_EventSelection: Event Section ========================================================== .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/eventselection.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Event selection An event is the directory where your measurement´s data is stored. It helps you to organize your data. Normally you create an event for each race weekend (or other kind of event you´re attending). It can be named as you want, for example the circuit or name of the event. .. Please refer to sections :ref:`create event ` and :ref:`here ` for further information. .. In the *Event* section you can create a new event or change the current event in two different ways. To create a new event click on <**Create event**>. .. The first way to change the event is to select a directory directly from the drop-down list. There you can choose from the last eleven directories used. The second way is to load a directory from the event explorer. To start the event explorer click on < **…** >. .. Select a new directory in the tree view on the left and confirm the directory with <**OK**> - afterwards the directory is displayed in the history list. .. .. admonition:: Additional information For further information on how to create an event, the versatile functions of the event explorer and the data structure in general please :ref:`here `. Logger section ========================================================== .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/loggerselection.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Modules configuration By clicking on the button **Communication (F2)** the program *WinIt* starts. In *WinIt* you can change the setting of your logger and other system parts. .. admonition:: Additional information For further information please refer to the *WinIt* manual .!!!Link!!! Measurements section ========================================================== .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/messelection.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Mastername and download internal memory data In the *Measurements* section you select the data´s master name and download the recorded data directly from a connected logger. The master name is part of the data file name. It helps you to identify more easily the session (free practice, qualifying, race, test,…). The drop-down list contains up to 15 different (last used) master names. You can simply select one of them or enter a new one (depending on your license level). .. For further information on master names and the nomenclature of the data please click :ref:`here `. .. To download data from a connected logger with data on internal memory click the button **Download (F9)**. Analysis section ========================================================== .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/analysisselection.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Analysis selection In the *Analysis* section you have three different options to select a measurement you want to start with in the analysis tool *2D Analyzer*. 1. You can select a measurement from the drop-down list. It is a history list of the eleven last used measurements of the current event. 2. Select the newest measurement of the event with the button **Newest**. 3. You can select a measurement of the current event in the file explorer. To start the file explorer click the button **…** . To start the *2D Analyzer* click on **Analysis (F3)**. .. admonition:: Additional information For further information please refer to the :doc:`Analyzer manual `! Detailed information on WinARace functions ========================================================== System Settings ---------------------------------------------------------- You get to the System Settings via *WinARace*, Settings ⇒ System. Here you can enable/disable the use of the different ways to handle the loggers. “Communicating 2D Loggers” means any logger you connect directly to your PC (via USB, TCP/IP, etc.). In addition you are able to select what should be done if such a logger is connected: do nothing, start a download or start *WinIt*. If you enable “Use 2D USB Stick Logger”, you activate all software modules you need to handle the USB sticks with – to prepare them for recording or to download recorded data. In the dropdown-list you can select when the data should be downloaded if a stick with recorded data is detected: not automatically (you need to start the download manually), always or only if *WinARace* is running. In the next dropdown-list you can modify the settings for the raw data. At the bottom you have additional options on what should be done if data is downloaded. .. Confirm your changes with **Ok**. .. _link_WinARace_Toolbar: Toolbar ---------------------------------------------------------- .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/toolbar1.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Toolbar The *Toolbar* enables quick access to other programs or documents. .. At the beginning there are often several programs and documents already linked in: There are two ways to modify your toolbar: 1. Add default programs via the toolbar menu – *View*, *Toolbar* ⇒ **…Link XXX** .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/toolbar2.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Toolbar menu 2. Right-mouse click on your toolbar .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/toolbar3.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Add toolbar icon - If you choose <**Edit/Delete**> you can modify or delete some of the toolbar entries. - If you choose <**Add**> you can easily add another entry: Select the program/document you want to add, an icon (.bmp or .ico-format) and confirm with <**Save**>. .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/toolbar4.png :scale: 75 % :align: center Add toolbar icon Typical icons used in the toolbar are: .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/toolbar5.png :scale: 60 % :align: center Typical toolbar icons .. _link_WinARace_Event: How to create an event ---------------------------------------------------------- To create an Event click on **Create new event** in *WinARace*. .. It opens the following window: .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/createevent.png :scale: 60 % :align: center Create event 1. Select Reference Event .. important:: From selected reference event important setting files like :doc:`Special Channels ` settings or :doc:`calculation files ` are copied to new event! Thereby, setting up a new event is more comfortable because new event has same setting files like reference event. 2. Select on the right-hand side if it is a closed circuit or not (marked in red) 3. Select a racetrack if it is a closed circuit (marked in blue There are two different circuit tabs: - The tab **“Circuits“**: Includes a list of **pre-defined tracks** delivered with the 2D race software. - The tab **“MyCircuits”**: Contains track maps which have been **created by the user** via the analysis tool *2D Analyzer*. .. important:: If a track is not listed, select <**Click here if circuit is not in list**> and a basic circuit will be selected *(*. 4. Enter a name in the field “\ *Eventname”* (marked in green) 5. Confirm your event with **OK** to create event .. _link_WinARace_Structure: General data structure of measurement data ---------------------------------------------------------- All measurement data are stored in the *RaceData* folder (e.g. *C:\\RaceData*). In this folder you can find your events. Every single event contains information about the particular racetrack and the measurement data. .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/structure.png :scale: 100 % :align: center General data structure .. _link_WinARace_Mastername: Measurement nomenclature (master names) ---------------------------------------------------------- The measurement´s name consists of three parts – the master name, (part of) the logger name and the number of download. +---------------------------------------------+------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | For example: | | | +=============================================+============+==============================================================+ | Q1-LK-01.MES | ⇒ | master name: Q1 (qualifying 1) | +---------------------------------------------+------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | logger name: LK | +---------------------------------------------+------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | number of download: 01 (first download) | +---------------------------------------------+------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | Test-CC71-03.MES | ⇒ | master name: Test | +---------------------------------------------+------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | logger name: CC71 | +---------------------------------------------+------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | number of download: 03 (third download) | +---------------------------------------------+------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1126-AL22-05.MES | ⇒ | master name: DATE (date of data download, e.g. 26.11.) | +---------------------------------------------+------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | logger name: AL22 | +---------------------------------------------+------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | number of download: 05 (fifth download) | +---------------------------------------------+------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | Some of the default master names are: | | | +---------------------------------------------+------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/mastername.png :scale: 75 % :align: center Download Masternames “DATE- -” is a special master name. It is used to create measurement names containing information about the date when the measurement was downloaded. The software replaces the part “DATE” of the master name by the month and day at which the measurement was created. The format is MMDD, which means the first two characters are replaced by the month and the next two by the day. The number of underscores ( \_ ) specifies how many characters of the logger´s name are taken to create the file name (starting at the end). .. important:: Depending on the license level of your software you may specify your own master names. Event selecting – the 2D event explorer ---------------------------------------------------------- Within the 2D event explorer you can select an event or change the settings of its measurements. To start the event explorer click on **…** in the Event section. .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/event1.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Open event explorer The event explorer offers various options: .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/eventexplorer.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Event explorer At the top of the event explorer you´ll find: - File: ⇒ Copy selected measurement(s) ⇒ Delete measurement(s) ⇒ Rename measurement(s) ⇒ Run cal file ⇒ Execute programs from the 2D Toolbar - History .. As icons at the top: - Refresh tree and view list - Show/hide directory tree - Show analysis overview window - Deletes selected measurement(s) - Rename selected measurement(s) - Start CalcTool and use cal file from event folder - Search and replace channel names into 2D measurements - Start Analyzer with selected measurement(s) - Start SpecViewer with selected measurement(s) - Start formula editor with selected measurement(s) - Starts program DTS with selected measurement(s) - Linked programs from the 2D Toolbar On the left side you´ll find the directory tree, in the middle there are the measurements listed of the selected event and on the right side you can have a look at the SpecSheet of the selected measurement. At the bottom there are buttons to confirm your selection (**OK**), start the *2D Analyzer* or Formula program and cancel the selection. Below that there is the overview window. Analysis overview window ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can select the shown channel by right-mouse-click on the analysis overview window. Check and change the current measurement formulas – the formula editor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The 2D formula editor is a special part of *WinIt*. With this editor you can comfortably check and change the current formulas of each 2D measurement. The formula editor grabs special files which belong to each 2D measurement. .. Within the 2D event explorer you can select the measurements you want to modify and start the formula editor. The editor displays all formula files (of each selected measurement) in the left tree view. You can recognize the several channels (different sensors) of the measurements. .. Confirm your changes with <**Apply**>. Deleting measurements from the current Event ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Within the 2D event explorer you can select the measurements you want to delete and click the corresponding button in the toolbar (or right-mouse-click and select “Delete measurement(s)”). You will get the following window: .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/deleteMES.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Delete .MES folder There you can decide between the options to delete the complete measurement or only the downloaded raw data. Confirm your decision with **Ok**. .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/deleteMES_confirm.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Confirm deleting .MES Renaming measurements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is recommended to rename the measurements with the function “Rename selected measurement(s)” as it renames all files inside the measurement´s folder. If a measurement is renamed within the normal Windows Explorer, the file names are not matching the measurement´s name. The 2D event explorer is able to recognize this mismatch and gives you an info message about it. Confirm this message with **Ok** to rename the files. Starting the program CalcTool with selected 2D measurements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you want to start the program CalcTool via the event explorer, you will get four different options to run cal-files: .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/StartCalcTool.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Run calculation files from event explorer 1. Start the program CalcTool with selected measurements and using any cal-file (by selection) from the data root. 2. Start the program CalcTool with selected measurements and using any cal-file (by selection) from the current event folder. 3. Start the program CalcTool with selected measurements and using any cal-file (by selection) from the software folder. This folder corresponds with the sub-directory called “Cal” located in your current Race-version. 4. Start the program CalcTool with selected measurements and using any coded cal-file (by selection) from the software´s “Cal” folder. Afterwards you´ll get a list with the different cal-files available. In option 1, 2 and 3 you´ll be asked if you want to edit or run the cal-file. Option 4 directly runs the cal-file, as coded cal-files can´t be modified by the user. .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/StartCalcTool_confirm.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Start execution of calculation file for selected .MES File explorer ---------------------------------------------------------- The file explorer gives you an overview of all measurement data of the current event. On the left-hand side you see all measurement directories and on the right-hand side there is the *SpecSheet* of the currently selected measurements. At the bottom is an overview window (QuickView). By clicking on it you can select the shown channel. To search for specific measurements you can enter a part of its name in the wildcard-field. .. figure:: /Images/WinARace/fileexplorer.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Measurment expolorer