.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: SpecSheet ********************************************************** Introduction ========================================================== Especially in motorsports, *SpecSheets* are used to store Meta-data containing various information about vehicle setup, weather, or drivers’ parameters during a race weekend or testing. For each measurement there is an individual SpecSheet, which makes it possible to, for example, document vehicle setup changes from measurement to measurement in the SpecSheets. See chapter :ref:`SpecView `. .. important:: SpecSheets are always stored in respective measurement folder as .HED file. Beside racing parameters, 2D also stores download information as well as other measurement related information inside SpecSheets. See chapter :ref:`Default Entries `. SpecSheets are generated at every data download (=reading the data from the data logger or USB stick) in measurement folder and users can create predefined SpecSheets. At download the software automatically checks if a predefined SpecSheet (also called permanent SpecSheet) is available. If so, all entries of the predefined SpecSheet are used for the creation of individual measurement related SpecSheet in measurement folder. See chapter :ref:`Permanent SpecSheet `. Therefore, for multiple vehicles with different setup parameters, different predefined SpecSheets can be prepared. Also, a User-interface can be shown at download that the user is forced to enter values, setup parameters or comments at every data download. See chapter :ref:`User Interaction `. The user of the software – the engineer, the data recording man, or the mechanic – is in charge of the maintenance and integrity of the data. Mostly this *SpecSheet* is only used for documentation, but it can also be used in connection with the *CalcTool* because the *CalcTool* can read from information as constant from the *SpecSheet* and write information back into it. E.g., the input values of a mass calculation of vehicle can be completely managed by SpecSheet entries. See chapter :ref:`CalcTool `. Via SpecSheet is also possible to document for which distance several parts of a vehicle were used. See chapter :ref:`Mileage `. Finally, SpecSheet entries can be used for exports See chapter :ref:`Export `. .. _link_SpecView: SpecView ========================================================== The SpecSheet of one or multiple measurements can be opened in SpecView by either clicking on SpecView toolbar icon or using short-cut [Alt]+[i] in Analyzer or WinARace. .. figure:: /Images/SpecSheet/SpecSheet_ToolbarIcon.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Toolbar Icon For every opened (Analyzer) or selected measurement (WinARace) the SpecSheet is opened in SpecView. Basically, a SpecSheet is a text-based HED-file, which can be also opened and edited by an Editor. .. figure:: /Images/SpecSheet/SpecSheet_SpecView.png :scale: 40% :align: center Clicking on a group, the submenu is opened where the different groups can be selected. When loading SpecSheets from multiple measurements, the differences to SpecSheet in first column are highlighted in red: .. figure:: /Images/SpecSheet/SpecSheet_HighlightDiffs.png :scale: 40 % :align: center Differences in SpecSheets are highlighted in red By double-clicking in one field, also the entries can be changed. When one entry needs to be applied to each SpecSheet with holding key [Shift] + [tab] the selected entry is duplicated to the fields on the right. General ========================================================== Creating new groups ---------------------------------------------------------- The values of the different entries can be edited via SpecView but when creating completely new entries or new groups, a SpecSheet must be opened in text editor. Display all entries of a group ---------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes in SpecView not all entries of a group are shown, it can be either scrolled down in group or [Shift]+[+] can be used to show more entries. 2D SpecSheet entries ---------------------------------------------------------- Comment group ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ At SpecSheets also one group can be used to add comments to the respective measurement related SpecSheet which really helps later on to quickly distinguish different measurements. Open comment window automatically at every download """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. figure:: /Images/SpecSheet/SpecSheet_Comment.png :scale: 60 % :align: center Quickinfo / [Comment] group The 2D software can be set, that at every download of a measurement the comment window is opened automatically. .. important:: Comment interface can be closed with OK without any entry. Activate displaying of comment window after download: WinARace --> Settings --> System --> check box *Open quick info for each new measurement* Open comment window manually """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" To open to comment window manually, the respective measurement has to be selected in WinARace and [ALT]+[Q] hast to be pressed. .. _link_DefaultEntries: 2D Default entries ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | [DOWNLOAD] | | +=========================================+========================================+ | LapMeter [m]=4450 | Lapmeter of this MES | +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | Date=22.0907 | Download-Date | +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | Time=085509 | Download-time | +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | Run total [s]=0 | Download information | +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | Run recording [s]=0 | | +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | Start of download=07.09.2022 08:55:09 | | +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | End of download=07.09.2022 08:55:09 | | +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | Number of errors=0 | | +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | Time to decompress=0.0 sec | | +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | Loggername=FS20 | Logger name | +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | Logger serial=2765125A | Serial number of logger | +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | Mileage calculated=(44 km) | Calculated mileage value of this MES | +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | MainSamplingRate=1000 | Logger main sampling rate | +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ | DL folder=C:\\TMP\\OneFileRec0003.DL | Raw measurement data directory | +-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+ +------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | [INFO\_2D] | | +==============================+===================================+ | Computer=FLORIAN-NOTEBOO | Computer used for data download | +------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Computer user=fs | Computer user at download | +------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Licence name=Flo | 2D-Licencse name | +------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Licence level=Team licence | Licences level | +------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | CRC=00AA36F9 | | +------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ +------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | [Laptimes] | | +========================+=============================================+ | Fastest lap=2:07.515 | Fastest lap from all laptimes of this MES | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | 0=2:52.329 | Laptimes of this MES | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | 1=2:08.719 | | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | 2=2:09.009 | | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | 3=2:08.041 | | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | 4=2:07.515 | | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | 5=2:08.585 | | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | 6=2:08.355 | | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | 7=2:12.685 | | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | 8=2:08.477 | | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | 9=2:54.885 | | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------+----+ | [CalcTool] | | +====================================================+====+ | Cal Files which were applied to measurement data | | +----------------------------------------------------+----+ Toolchain entries ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2D GPS Post-processing """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | **Documentation reference** | | | | | | For more information about *2D GPS Postprocessing* please see the respective manual at download area on 2D website: | | | | | | http://2d-datarecording.com/downloads/manuals/ | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [GPS] | | +=======================+==============================================================================+ | Rate=10 | Detected GPS/GNSS sampling rate in [Hz] | +-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Version=21.0607 | Version of GPS Postprocessing toolchain (7:sup:`th` June 2021) | +-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | MaxDropOutTime=30 | GPS dropouts not longer then 30 seconds are interpolated | +-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ChannelRate\_Hi=100 | High rate of GPS postprocessing toolchain | +-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ChannelRate\_Lo=10 | Low rate of GPS postprocessing toolchain (= Rate) | +-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ShiftTime=-0.21 | Shift time GPS/GNSS channels were shifted by GPS post-processing toolchain | +-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | AverageMulti=4 | Dynamical filtering value | +-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [MES] | *Entries are required for GoPro AutoSync* | +========================+=================================================================================+ | Date\_Mes=22.0907 | GPS/GNSS date of measurement (7:sup:`th` Sepemper 2022) | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SOD\_Mes\_FV=23385.6 | First UTC-Second of Day (SOD) value of measurement | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SOD\_Mes\_LV=24627.6 | Last UTC-Second of Day (SOD) value of measurement | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [Time] | *[MES] group values converted to HHMM values with CAL-files SOD\_Reverse.CAL* | +========================+=================================================================================+ | Date=22.0907 | GPS/GNSS date of measurement (7:sup:`th` September 2022) | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HHMM\_FV=6.29 | First UTC-HHMM value of measurement (6:29 am) | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HHMM\_LV=6.5 | First UTC-HHMM value of measurement (6:50 am) | +------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. _link_PermanentSpecSheet: Permanent SpecSheet ========================================================== **Pre-Download** Predefined, so-called permanent SpecSheets, are stored in the data directory (RaceData / one directory *above* the event folders) and start with *P\_*. These permanent SpecSheets can be assigned to different loggers by naming them (P\_Loggername) and store them in data directory. When downloading measurement data, the software checks whether there is a SpecSheet matching the **logger name** in the data directory. If a predefined, permanent SpecSheet is found, it is copied, filled with 2D default information, renamed to establish the link to measurement and **stored in the respective measurement folder as measurement SpecSheet**. .. figure:: /Images/SpecSheet/SpecSheet_PermanentSpecSheet.png :scale: 40 % :align: left Permanent SpecSheet .. important:: Measurement related SpecSheets are generally called SpecSheet! .. important:: If no matching permanent SpecSheet is found during download only a SpecSheet with 2D default information is created in measurement folder When using more than one vehicle at a team it is very helpful to use permanent SpecSheets for documenting the individual vehicles parameters (suspension settings, engine settings, …). .. important:: If a suspension setting change (or any other parameter, which is documented via permanent SpecSheet) was made, the user of course must also adapt the changes in the respective permanent SpecSheets that the file is prepared for next data download. For open all permanent SpecSheets from the currently used WinARace-installation the following toolbar button can be used: .. figure:: /Images/SpecSheet/SpecSheet_PermanentSpecSheet_Icon.png :scale: 50 % :align: left Toolbar Icon Permanent SpecSheet .. important:: The toolbar can also be modified to only open one respective permanent SpecSheet via a button. Example ---------------------------------------------------------- A team has two riders (FS #20 & JR #91) with each one bike. The loggers of the two measurement systems are called FS20 and JR91. On the computer which is used for downloading, two permanent SpecSheets p\_FS20.HED and p\_JR91.HED are located. .. figure:: /Images/SpecSheet/SpecSheet_PermanentSpecSheet_FS20.png :scale: 80 % :align: center Permanent SpecSheet Logger FS20 .. .. figure:: /Images/SpecSheet/SpecSheet_PermanentSpecSheet_JR91.png :scale: 80 % :align: center Permanent SpecSheet Logger JR91 Beside the different information from the RIDER group, also various other parameters, like SHOCK and FORK parameters, can be documented in the respective permanent SpecSheets. **Click** `here `__ **to open 2D example permanent SpecSheet for racing use** .. important:: The permanent SpecSheets must always be stored inside the directory right before the .MES directories! .. _link_UserInteraction: User Interaction ========================================================== **Pre-Download** This functionality can be used to open individually definable dialog at every download that the user is forced to enter values to a predefined set of SpecSheet groups from permanent SpecSheet. .. attention:: Groups to be accessed in User interface must be available in **permanent** SpecSheet! SpecSheet information are always very helpful for documenting measurement related information (Comment or Vehicle). SpecSheet information are not only used for documentation but also via *CalcTool* it is possible to access SpecSheet values for calculations (Rider.Mass, e.g., for summing vehicle mass + rider mass) or defining names of exports (ProBike\_Street600\_KA-DD-123.txt) The default entries of this dialog can be predefined in permanent SpecSheets, so that when downloading data, always the logger name related permanent SpecSheet is taken. The information with which logger the data is recorded is stored inside raw measurement data When closing the dialog all entries are written to the measurement related SpecSheet! .. figure:: /Images/SpecSheet/SpecSheet_UserInteraction1.png :scale: 100 % :align: left User Interaction - Shown window .. figure:: /Images/SpecSheet/SpecSheet_UserInteraction2.png :scale: 100 % :align: left User Interaction - SpecSheet opened in Editor .. important:: It is possible to display the user interface parameters either predefined or completely empty. .. important:: The user interface can only be closed if a value has been entered in each entry shown. Setup AutoFillSpecSheetAtDownload: ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Open *WinARace* and open *Folders - Protocols* folder via WinARace-Tab *Settings* and open *Application data directory* by clicking on the button with respective path .. important:: Instead of opening *Folders – Protocols* also shortcut [CTRL]+[ALT]+[D] can be used with *WinARace* opened! 1. It must be distinguished between downloading from internal logger memory and downloading data from USB Stick now: Downloading data from internal logger memory: Open *WinIt.ini* Downloading data from USB Stick: Open *Decompress.ini* .. important:: .ini-files can be opened and edited with any text-editor! 1. Navigate to group [Special] and set entry *FillSpecGroupAtDownload* to 1 to activate AutoFillSpecSheetAtDownload. [Special] … FillSpecGroupAtDownload = 1 … 1. Navigate to group [SpecGroupsToEnterAfterDL] and set which predefined SpecSheet groups should be opened automatically at downloading data: [SpecGroupsToEnterAfterDL] 1=Comment 2=Rider 3=Vehicle .. attention:: Only the defined groups, which are existing in defined permanent SpecSheet, are shown after download in an stay-on-top dialog with all in permanent SpecSheet defined entries! .. attention:: Every box of the dialog has to contain a value! 1. Save ini-file 2. Execute a test download if user dialog is shown correctly 3. **After confirming the dialog with OK, all entered information are written in the measurement related SpecSheet!** .. _link_Mileage: Mileage ========================================================== **Post-Download** The 2D software system provides a possibility to document via SpecSheet, for which distance several parts of a vehicle were used. .. admonition:: Addtional manual For more information about Mileage function see manual :doc:`Mileage `! .. _link_CalcTool: CalcTool ========================================================== **Post-Download** Within *CalcTool* the channels recorded by a 2D data acquisition system can be further processed with the help of text-based calculation files to e.g., visualize data for development purposes in various plots provided by the 2D software or for further calculations. Further processing includes among others: - Mathematical calculations - Trigonometrical calculations - Filtering - Bit manipulation operations - Signal analysis (Min, Max, Average, …) .. admonition:: Addtional manual For more information about using SpecSheet entries for post-processing calculations see :ref:`here `! Read access ---------------------------------------------------------- CalcTool is able to read values from SpecSheet entries as calculation variables (constant values) to use them for calculations. .. important:: SpecSheet-read-values are then available as constant values in measurement. This is very helpful for gear calculations (gearbox settings are done via (permanent) SpecSheet), mass calculations (adding vehicle mass, fuel mass, …) together for further calculations. Write access ---------------------------------------------------------- Calculational results can then also be written (new entries can be created or already existing entries can be overwritten) to measurement related SpecSheet (not to permanent SpecSheet), what is important when using the SpecSheet print and export functions. .. important:: When writing values to SpecSheet only one value type of a channel (Last value, first value, minimal value, maximal value or average value) can be written! Print ========================================================== **Post-Download** The report function provides an easy way to define and print SpecSheet groups as targeted report for specific users. For example a race mechanic might be only interested in the groups he is working on (take the groups BIKE, FORKSET, SHOCKSET, ENGINE or SETTING) .. _link_Export: Export ========================================================== **Post-Download** Naming exports ---------------------------------------------------------- SpecSheet entries can also be used for naming exported files of various 2D tools (MinMax-Export, XY-Plot-Export, …). Filling defined excel sheet ---------------------------------------------------------- Also, the SpecSheet entries can be used as placeholders, that a customer can create a excel file where different values or gauges can be filled with. 2D uses this tool for internal analogue channel testing of loggers, where first the calculational results from CalcTool are written into SpecSheet and then the entries are used for creating an predefined Analog-Test-ExcelSheet as documentation about any tested logger. These created ExcelSheets can also be printed automatically via 2D software. .. figure:: /Images/SpecSheet/SpecSheet_NamingExport.png :scale: 50 % :align: center Excel Export sheet filled by SpecSheet values .. important:: For more information please contact 2D via contact form on website! For racing this feature would be interesting to define a racing-based ExcelSheet where Laptimes, Sectimes, calculated values like information about throttle grip actuation, mappings used and further more can be displayed. With 2D software automation, this defined ExcelSheet can be created and printed by the software automatically after data download. Appendix ========================================================== Permanent SpecSheet example ---------------------------------------------------------- **Click** `here `__ **to open 2D example permanent SpecSheet for racing use** *2D\_3ax\_FilterAndRotate* Default entries for 2D\_3ax\_FilterAndRotate toolchain https://2d-datarecording.com/Downloads/Manuals/AC-DOC\_2D\_FilterAndRotate.pdf +---------------+---------------------+-----------------+ | [Sensor\_1] | [Sensor\_GPS] | [Sensor\_ROT] | | | | | | Name=Debug | Name=GPS/GNSS2CAN | Name=Helmet | | | | | | Rot\_x=0 | Rot\_x=0 | Rot\_x=0 | | | | | | Rot\_y=0 | Rot\_y=0 | Rot\_y=0 | | | | | | Rot\_z=0 | Rot\_z=0 | Rot\_z=0 | | | | | | Cor\_x=0 | Cor\_x=0 | Cor\_x=0 | | | | | | Cor\_y=0 | Cor\_y=0 | Cor\_y=0 | | | | | | Cor\_z=0 | Cor\_z=0 | Cor\_z=0 | +===============+=====================+=================+ +---------------+---------------------+-----------------+